Today is the Day; April 18th, 2017

Product Red 2
Product Red 2

Last year for Apple’s WWDC 2016 logo, it had a variety of texts with different colors. At one part in the banner, you see “April 18, 2017.” Apple never officially said what they meant by it, but there has been speculation that it could be the opening day for Apple Park, which is Apple’s new campus that runs on 100 percent clean energy. But here are some of the things that April 18th could mean

  • The first is the one I just said earlier, Apple Park opening. Tim Cook said that Apple will begin moving into their new home in April 2017.
    Screen Shot 2017-04-18 at 10.14.16 AM
    The building of Apple Park
  • Another idea is that Apple will announce something for this year’s WWDC. However, this would be very unlike Apple to do.
  • Could it just be news that Apple is working on the next iPhone? Wall Street Journal tech columnist, Joanna Stern, did tweet this-this morning on Twitter.
    Screen Shot 2017-04-18 at 10.19.42 AM
  • Lastly, could it be that we are getting new software updates today?

Obviously, the text could mean nothing and Apple could have put it on there just for the sake of putting it on there. My opinion is that it’s all about the company moving into Apple Park, but we will never know for sure unless we hear from Apple.


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