Twitter for Mac Alternatives

Today is the day that Twitter discontinued their support of the official Twitter for Mac app. The company has instead decided to focus their time and effort on their website instead of having a dedicated app for the Mac. 

With that said, those who are looking for a new Twitter app for their Mac have plenty to choose from. Here are the following Twitter Mac apps that we recommend:

  • Tweetbot ($9.99): This one by far is my favorite of the apps out there right now. It is a premium app, therefore it will cost some money, but at the same time, it has the best design of any Twitter app that I have ever seen and it works the way a Twitter app should.
    • According to 9to5 Toys, the app can be found for $5 in the Mac App Store right now due to the end of the Twitter for Mac app. We will update this article when the promotion has ended.

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  • Twitterrific ($7.99): A little cheaper than Tweetbot and is one of the newest third-party Twitter apps on the Mac App Store right now. The new app was launched last fall and it’s another one of those apps where it works the way a Twitter app should. The design is not that bad and is an app that you may want to look into if you are looking for a new Twitter app and want to save a couple bucks, Twitterrific could be the app for you!


  • TweetDeck (Free): This is a free app made and designed by Twitter and it works the same way as the TweetDeck website. However, it is not the best app out there right now and is still does not support the 280 character limit.

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Those are the three big ones. If you want, you could always stick with the offical Twitter website or use the Echofon app in the App Store. Granted, it has not been updated since 2015 and like TweetDeck, it does not support the 280 charcter limit. Echofon has both a free and premium version of their Twitter apps. Pick your poison.

Third-party apps will not support all of the features from the official Twitter for iPhone, such as polls, Twitter Moments, and livestreams of Cheddar newscasts or MLB games.


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