(EXPIRED) Apple Deals at Target (Ad week: 05/06/2018 ”“ 05/12/2018)

Target, like Best Buy, is having this week be dedicated to the full week before Mother’s Day, which is May 13 this year. Even though they do not have as many Apple product deals as Best Buy does this week, there are still a few we think that you should keep your eye on. 

Apple Deals:

  • 10 percent off iTunes and App Store gift cards
  • Save $40 on Powerbeats 3 Wireless earphones

Like I said, there are only a couple deals this week that the company is having when it comes to Apple products. Most of their deals include other and a lot cheaper tech products. Also, Target is focusing more so on non-tech related items this year.

Just so you know, Target does accept Apple Pay in their app but not in their retail stores as of right now.

Feature image from The Verge

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