Opinion: Apps Students Should Have on Their iPad or MacBook for School

For a lot of students out there, whether they are in college or high school, classes are starting soon and that means that many of you are going to be using your iPad or MacBook in the classroom again. 

This means that you are probably looking for ways to use and apply your iPad or Mac to the classroom environment so that you can use it for your class to get the good grades you need.

Here are my following app recommendations:

  • Evernote: This is a great note-taking app that allows you to take notes by typing them out or recording lectures. The notes can be organized in any way to your heart’s desire. Best of all, you can use it on up to two devices for free without having to upgrade to the Evernote Premium version.
  • Calcbot: Every person needs a calculator on their devices in order to get the right answer when it comes to math class. Yes, the iPhone does come with a built-in calculator, but for those who do not have access to their iPhone or those looking for an alternative, I recommend this one because of how easy it is to use and that the app developers, Tapbots, know a thing or two about design. Also, it has a great Apple Watch app too.
  • Dropbox: This makes for a great and free cloud storage option for students who maybe want to upload documents to it from their iPad and go work on it from an iMac or PC when they get home.
  • Grammarly: Think of this as like a second set of eyes on your papers or emails. For the Mac, it will not be in the Mac App Store but will be available for free on Grammarly’s website. It is available on the iOS App Store and is available for free as a third-party keyboard.
  • Apple Music: I’d say this is better than Spotify or other competitors since it has a bigger catalog and that it will sync better and “play nice” with other Apple devices and products. If you go to a certain school, you can get a student discount for it. Click here to find out how to get said discount.
  • Tweetbot: Okay, so we all get bored in class at times and one of the popular things to do is to go on Twitter to see what is going on outside of the classroom. Even though the app has been recently stripped of some of its best features recently, I still think that it is the best Twitter app on the market. It costs $4.99 on the iOS App Store and $9.99 in the Mac App Store.
  • Pages: In my opinion, this is the better option for writing papers and documents. It syncs well with other Apple products. Best of all, you can format the paper into a Microsoft Word document within the Pages app itself. It’s a free app too.

It should be noted and said that the Mac App Store will be getting an update this fall with macOS Mojave that will make it look like the current iOS App Store. With that said, be sure to look for the new Apple News and Stocks apps for the Mac that will allow you to get your latest headlines and stocks from your Mac. Both apps are currently available for the iPad.

Apple News for Mac
Apple Stocks app for Mac

Feature image from iDownloadBlog

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