Apple Announces September 2018 Event

Today is the day that Apple announces their September 2018 iPhone event. This will be the event where Apple is going to unveil this year’s new iPhone and Apple Watch. 

The event this year will be held at the Steve Jobs Theater at the new Apple Park campus in Cupertino, California.

Contrary to the rumors, Apple will not be live-streaming this event on Twitter but instead will be live-streaming it from their website, along with their Apple Events channel on the Apple TV.

Apple is expected to unveil possibly three brand new iPhones this year, along with the new Apple Watch Series 4, which is rumored to have more screen real estate this year and less bezel. On top of that, the company will likely be announcing release dates for iOS 12 and watchOS 5.

They could also announce the release date for macOS Mojave for the Mac, but that is not guaranteed. Also be on the lookout for a release date for the AirPower charging pad that announced by Apple at last year’s event but was never released.

The event will be held on September 12th, 2018 at 10 AM PST. If you go to Apple’s website, you can add the event to your calendar and then be reminded of the event on the day of it.

Feature image from 9to5mac

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