Mac App Review: Citationsy

Citationsy is an app for the Mac that basically allows users to efficiently site sources for papers and stories, whether that be for school, work or personal usage. Citationsy does allow for users to cite sources in APA, MLA, and over 8,000 other different styles and cite books, articles, magazines, websites, podcasts, etc. 

I used this app last week when writing a paper for a project for one of my classes and it was a great help to me. If I were a high school or college student reading this, I would listen up.

What makes this app great is that it is in an app form and not a website. This might sound stupid, but all of the times where I have had to make a Works Cited page, it has always been a pain in the butt because I have to re-open all of the websites and tabs I had open previously, which would be a huge strain on my 2012 MacBook Pro with only 4GB of RAM.

The next thing that I like is the simplistic design of it. All of your citation documents look like Post-It notes with the title of whatever you named your citation document.

Where the app goes wrong is that when I did use it another time, the app would load but not show anything was there. This is not to say that your information was not saved, but that it just would not load for the longest time. It was inconvenient for me at the time and it did eventually load to show my citation page.

Other than that, it’s a pretty good app!

Overall, I would give it 3/4 stars. The simplistic design and features that you get with this app is incredibly generous, especially given the fact that this is a free app. Citationsy, like I just said, is a free app in both the Mac and iOS App Stores. If you are a student, I would definitely recommend you to download this app. It can save you from pulling an all-nighter.

Rating: 3/4 stars

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