Bloomberg Is Banned from the Upcoming Apple October Event

Apple October Event Building
Apple October Event Building

Bloomberg has recently accused both Apple and Amazon of their servers being hacked by China, and Apple has decided to not invite Bloomberg to their next event because of it.

Apple has invited Bloomberg to their events for years, but it looks like Bloomberg will have to watch the event via the live stream this time because they did not receive an invite to this event. Amazon retaliated to Bloomberg’s claims by removing its Q4 ads from Bloomberg’s website.

The report that Bloomberg made said that spy chips were installed on both of the company’s servers yet security experts, the Department of Homeland Security, and the National Security Administration have said that there is not enough evidence to prove this. Both Apple and Amazon told Bloomberg to retract their story about the Chinese spy chips, but Bloomberg did not.

Apple has done this before but to a different company – Gizmodo. After Gizmodo released images of the unreleased iPhone 4, Apple banned them from their events for years.

It is unknown how long Bloomberg will not be invited to Apple events but there is a high chance that it will last for a few years just like like it did with Gizmodo.


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