Appleosophy Weekly Episode 1: Apple releases iPhone XS smart battery case, HomePod available in China, WTF AirPower?

07 iphone smart battery case
07 iphone smart battery case

This week, Holden Satterwhite the CEO and Founder of Appleosophy, talks with Brahm Shank who is the Head Writer and on the Appleosophy Podcast team for Appleosophy. We go into talking about the iPhone XS Smart Battery Case Apple released a few days ago, We also go into HomePod talk, Apple released the HomePod in China and Hong Kong on Friday and we discuss if HomePod is worth the money. Listen to the full episode of Appleosophy Weekly to see what else we discuss.

Appleosophy Weekly, is the podcast that breaks down the week’s Apple News in a digestible way. Hosted by Appleosophy’s Editorial Team and Podcasts Team, who have in-depth knowledge on Apple and Apple services, including special guests.

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