Mac App Review: Citationsy for Mac

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If you are a student, you may want to consider downloading this app since it will be of great service to you and will help you finish those papers you have been procrastinating”¦or at least the works cited or bibliography pages.

Citationsy is an app that enables people to easily create bibliographies right from their Mac. There is no website or web app for this, it has its own dedicated app in the Mac App Store. 

The app has thousands of different formats that you can use to make your bibliography, depending on what is being asked of you. On top of that, you can source websites, books, textbooks, journals, podcasts and many other sources. It is truly your one stop shop for writing a bibliography. 

When writing bibliographies, everything is organized as you write them and you can easily distinguish which source is what. I also like the fact that when you are done with writing them, you can export it has a PDF, add it to a page in your Pages or Word document, or even just copy-and-paste it into your paper. It really is that simple. 

What’s cool afterwards is that all of your bibliographies and projects are all saved in this cool sticky note-like way that reminds me a lot of the SCRUM organization method used in the HBO TV series Silicon Valley. 

Overall, Citationsy is one of those apps where it’s simple to use and gets right to the point. It gets 4/4 stars from me for it’s simplistic UI and functionality. It’s an app that, like I said earlier, every high school and college student needs to have. Citationsy is a free app in the Mac App Store and is additionally available for iOS as well.  

Rating: 4/4 stars 

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