Our Spring Season Movie Picks

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This is something we have never done here on Appleosophy, but is something that we want to do every season of the year. Given that we just entered the spring season last week, I thought it would be a good time to show you all some movies to watch during this spring season.

The movies listed here are going to fit the spring season, as well as just be movies that are good to watch during this time of the year.

  • We Are Your Friends: This is a movie that I believe is pretty underrated. Although it is considered a bomb at the box office, the movie is still worth the time to watch, in my opinion. If anything, I guess the good thing is that it is a Zac Efron movie and he’s honestly not that bad of an actor. We Are Your Friends can be purchased through Amazon and Best Buy on DVD for $3.99 and can be rented on iTunes for the same price of $3.99.


  • The Perks of Being a Wallflower: This is a movie that I have recommended a lot over the years, but it is one of the best movies out there in my honest opinion, and that it deals with all four seasons of the year. It can be purchased on Blu-ray from Amazon (and other retailers) for 9.23 and can be rented for $5.99 on iTunes.


  • The Social Network: Kind of going back to the original movie, We Are Your Friends, The Social Network can inspire you to get off your butt and get to work on that business, hobby or whatever thing you have always wanted to do with your life. It can be purchased for $8.09 through Amazon and rented for $3.99 on iTunes.


  • Mortal Engines: This movie is recommended by Appleosophy’s Praveen Nagaraj. It is one of those movies where critics did not give it the best reviews, but it is still a movie Nagaraj says is one that he enjoyed. The movie can be purchased on Blu-ray through Amazon for $19.96 and rented for $5.99 through iTunes.


  • Bumblebee: If you want to start off the new spring season with a film that has just been released on DVD, this looks to be a great movie. Unfortunately, the movie is not available for rent until April 2, 2019, so in the meantime, you can buy it on iTunes for $19.99.

Did we miss any other good movies for the season? Let us know in the comments below. We are curious about what you think we or others should be watching this spring season.

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