How to Buy a Laptop in 2019

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With college and high school graduations happening left-and-right, and also with the amount of money that those graduates will be getting that could be put towards a new laptop, we thought it would be great to figure out just how to buy a laptop in 2019 and the things you should do before you spend that wad of money.

This can be used for high school grads going to college or for graduates who are going to be entering the workforce.

The first thing that you will want to do is research. Think of this as like test driving cars when you are looking to buy a car. You want to make sure that it is the right fit for you and that it will do what you are wanting/needing it to do.

To do this, the best recommendation that I can give you is to look at unboxing and reviews on YouTube on laptops you are looking into getting. Additionally, you will want to possibly look the laptop up on Amazon or Best Buy and read the reviews of it.

This is something that I did recently when I purchased my new MacBook Pro over this past weekend. For about a couple of weeks, I did research on it to see if it was the right one for me. To no surprise, I thought right and I chose the right laptop for me.

Make sure the place you are buying from, whether that Apple, Best Buy, Staples, Walmart, etc., has some form of student discount program so that you can get a better price.

Say a laptop is on sale for $200 off for all customers. However, if you use your student discount, you can get that same laptop for $350 off the previous sale price.

Speaking of sales, you want to make sure that you are getting the best price out there. If you are on Amazon looking for a MacBook Air and you find one there for $1100, but Best Buy has it for $900, then you run to Best Buy and buy it there or place your order through Best Buy’s website.

On top of that, make sure to check the price of the laptop afterward. What if you buy the laptop for $900 on sale (at the time) and then see that it went down to $750 the following weekend. Sure, you still got your laptop on sale, but are now having buyer’s remorse since you know now that you could have gotten it for even cheaper.

The good thing about that scenario is that Best Buy does have a program where if they discount something, you buy it at that sale price, but then they discount it even more within the next two weeks after the purchase has been made, you can actually go to the Apple Store and get the monetary difference back.

This is something that I did last year when I bought my iPad fifth generation. I bought it for $280 but then saw the following week later that they discounted it down to $250. I went to Best Buy that week and got my $30 difference. Best of all, it’s like putting money back into your pocket for no extra charge to you.

Like I said before, this all takes a lot of research both online and in-person. However, at the end of the day, if done right, you could have a great new laptop for years to come. We hope that this guide helps you pick out the best laptop for you.

For those who are looking to get a nice laptop for their graduate for their graduation, be sure to check out our gift guide. It has more than just laptops too, so we think you should be able to find exactly what you are looking for for that awesome graduate.

Feature image courtesy of Komando

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