Apple Highlights Stories from two developers ahead of WWDC 2019

apple thousand stories wwdc erika hairston apple entrepreneur camp 05292019 scaled
apple thousand stories wwdc erika hairston apple entrepreneur camp 05292019 scaled

The WWDC 2019 Keynote is only a few days away and kicks off next week in San Jose. Apple today has shared a press release that features two developers out of the 5,000+ attendees that will be at WWDC 2019.

The first developer is Erika Hairston, a 23-year-old Yale grad working in San Francisco, just launched her first app, Zimela, to promote diversity in tech. She will also be attending WWDC 2019 for the very first time.

The second developer that Apple featured was David Niemeijer, who will be marking his 17th consecutive visit to WWDC. Niemeijer, a 50-year-old father of two in Amsterdam, is CEO of AssistiveWare, a company he founded 20 years ago that designs communication aids for people with disabilities.

Apple Highlights Stories from two developers ahead of WWDC 2019.

“Both were inspired by someone they love to imagine solutions, and then started working on making them real. Both began as companies of one, coding in their spare time wherever and whenever they could. And both are connecting and empowering communities, using technology to help people find their voice and each other”

Apple Highlights Stories from two developers ahead of WWDC 2019.

The full feature is available on Apple Newsroom.


The WWDC 2019 keynote will be on Monday, June 3, at 10 a.m. PT. You can stream it from Apple’s website or on the big screen via the Apple Events app on the Apple TV. Appleosophy will also be providing live coverage here on

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