Rumor: Apple’s “Designed by Apple in California” Book Discontinued by Apple

designed book 2
designed book 2

It would seem as though Apple has gotten rid of their Designed by Apple in California book. It has been reported that the book can no longer be found on Apple’s website, which is usually a sign that Apple has discontinued a product.

We see the same thing each year after Apple Events after Apple has finished updating their online store with new products, which will then likely include products and services that are no longer for sale through them.

Designed by Apple in California was originally published in November 2016 and contained photos of old Apple products. The book was essentially a showcase of Apple’s history in the technology business and gave readers a visual of far they have come throughout the decades they have been around.

The book was 450 pages long and cost $199 for the 10.2×12.75-inch version or $299 for the 13×16.25-inch version.

Right now, the only way to purchase it would be through a third-party seller on Amazon or through eBay. Not even popular bookstores like Barnes and Noble or Books-A-Million carried it in their stores and currently do not carry it on their online stores either.

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