Review: iPhone 8 Plus Product RED Case

0021296 apple iphone 8 plus special edition red 600
0021296 apple iphone 8 plus special edition red 600

A few days ago, I was in Omaha, Nebraska down there for a business meeting and noticed that my transparent OtterBox Symmetry case I had on my iPhone 8 Plus had started to rip on the left side next to the volume buttons.

As much as I wanted to be mad about it, at least I was in Omaha and able to get myself a case. Omaha has plenty of retail stores to search from. I searched at Nebraska Furniture Mart, Target and eventually made the purchase at a Best Buy store down there.

The nice thing about buying this case from Best Buy was that I was able to get it for 50 percent off at only $24.99, thanks to a deal that the store was having this past week.

With all of that said, the first thing that I like about the case is that it feels nice in the hand. We’re not talking just about gripping it, but holding it in your hand makes you feel like you’re holding the keys to a luxury car. It’s almost as if having the case on the iPhone allows it to increase its value.


Another thing that I love is that my speakers below are wide open. I could understand why a lot of people would take issue with this since it could lead to damage if you were to spill a glass of water on it, but I take impeccably good care of my iPhone 8 Plus and other Apple products, so I try not to worry about that kind of stuff.

Being able to have access to the buttons on the left and right side with this case is an additional plus. On my old OtterBox Symmetry case, I had to press hard to use the buttons on both sides. It was a little annoying if I am being completely honest.

As for dropping the case and the durability of it, this is a case that is not meant to be dropped. Now, I’m not saying that you could not drop it on the floor every now and then. However, if you are someone who does drop their iPhone often, Apple’s leather cases are not the case for you. Go pick up some form of OtterBox case for durability reasons when dropping your iPhone.

The front of the case is pretty much bare, so if you do use this Product RED case, you should get a screen protector on it if you are prone to dropping your iPhone a lot (or get an OtterBox case).

Overall, I’m giving this Product RED case for my iPhone 8 Plus 4/4 stars. It looks as though it’s going to do what I need it to do, look good and be a great companion to my also already red Product RED iPhone 8 Plus.

Rating: 4/4 stars

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