National Read a Book Day: What Books We Recommend You Read (and Where You Can Buy Them with Apple Pay)

Screen Shot 2019 09 06 at 8
Screen Shot 2019 09 06 at 8

Today is National Read a Book Day. We always encourage reading here at Appleosophy, whether it is our daily articles or whatever it is that you are truly interested and curious about.

We are lucky to live in a world where we can have constant access to books. You can get them at your local library, eBook services like Apple Books and through retailers like Barnes and Noble.

With that said, here are the books that we recommend you read on National Read a Book Day:

  • I, Justine by Justine Ezarik (iJustine on YouTube): This is an autobiography about the YouTube content creator, Justine Ezarik, also known as iJustine. She has over five million subscribers on YouTube and the book does showcase her life, how she came to be and gives you an idea of her somewhat alternative lifestyle. The book is currently available through Apple Books for $11.99.


  • Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson: Want to know about the life of Steve Jobs and then some?  This biography of the Apple co-founder explains the life of Steve Jobs from Jobs himself and gives great detail on how the man changed we live our everyday lives. The book can be purchased through Apple Books for $14.99.


  • The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky: The book centers around the main character of Charlie Kelmeckis as he goes through his first year of high school without his best friend, who has recently unexpectedly passed away. This book is great for those that are currently in high school and starting the new school year and are looking to possibly find a book that connects with them. It can be purchased through Apple Books for $10.99.


  • Looking for Alaska by John Green: Our main reason for putting this one in here is that not only is it a good book, but the TV mini-series will be released on Hulu (a Hulu Original) next month, so this would be an excellent time to read the book. It can be purchased on Apple Books for $9.99.


  • Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher: If you would like to read the book before Netflix took it over as a TV series in 2017, today would be a great day to do so. The book is the first season of the TV show, but mind you that the book was published 10 years before the TV series was released and includes more details about Clay and Hannah than the Netflix series. The book can be purchased on Apple Books for $9.99.

These are all of the books we are recommending for today. Of course, if you have a recommendation for us to read, let us know in the comments.

Additionally, book retailers such as Barnes and Noble and Books-A-Million are both two national book retailers that do accept Apple Pay in their stores and might have these books available in said stores for a cheaper price.

If you know of an indie bookstore and/or one that accepts Apple Pay, don’t be afraid to go there either because it is always good to support indie bookstores and small businesses.

Lastly, a fun fact about this article is that the feature image is not just of a random person in a Barnes and Noble reading a book. It is actually Hazel Grace Landcaster from the book (and movie) The Fault in Our Stars by John Green, so that can show just how dedicated we were to this specific article.

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