First Impressions: Apple Card


Just this past week, I was able to get approved for Apple Card, Apple’s new credit card that was launched back in August 2019.

Apple Card is a credit card by Apple and Goldman Sachs that allows users to pay for items using an Apple-branded credit card right from their iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch and Mac.

The reason I got this card was that as a young person, I want to build credit for myself. With that said, I plan on using the credit card for gas and purchases at Walmart. I’d rather use the Apple Card at Walmart since I don’t like using Walmart Pay and honestly want to stick it to Walmart for not accepting Apple Pay in their stores. Plus, you know, one percent cashback on purchases too.

As for the physical card, I like the fact that it is made out of titanium. It shows the true quality that Apple is looking for in their product, not to mention that with that it has a simple and slick design to it. And yes, an all-white card can look nice even if there is no fancy design on it.

So far, I have made two purchases with it. I made a purchase a few days ago for gas at one of my local gas stations and then made a purchase with the physical card at Walmart, where I made a $10 purchase.

When making the purchase for the item at Walmart, within about 10 minutes, the transaction appeared in my recent transactions in the Wallet app.

The Daily Cash from the cashback is a nice addition too even though I have not made a lot from that so far. However, over time and usage, I know that I will be able to get more of it on my Apple Cash card.

With everything said here, Apple Card is not a bad card. It’s a good card for someone like me who has recently graduated from college and is needing to build credit for myself. For someone like myself who is really into Apple and tech, this seems like the perfect credit card for, as it has been so far.

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