Apple Watch Series 6 is rumored to include Touch ID, Sleep Tracking, and more health related features.

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As we slowly move closer to Apple’s release day for new products in the Fall, an Israeli site The Verifier, predicts that the Series 6 will include a Touch ID sensor which will be implemented to the digital crown. This new feature would eliminate the need for the numeric passcode needed every time you remove your Apple Watch. In other news, while using Apple Pay on your watch is already secure since It uses constant skin contact to validate purchases, Touch ID will serve as another identification to protect your sensitive bank/identity information. Furthermore, The Verifier, says that Touch ID on the digital crown is just the beginning, since on the Series 7 they claim Touch ID will be implemented in the screen.

With watchOS 7 to release later this year we can expect many new features to arrive for the Series 3 through Series 6 Apple Watch. These features include improvements to Siri, new App Store applications, and a refresh interface of built in apps. However, one of the most anticipated features is Sleep Tracking for the Apple Watch. While sleep tracking can be found on many third part apps already, in the near future we can expect Apple’s owns built in app where they will surely incorporate to their health app on iPhone.

Lastly, The Verifier, has said that Apple is working on pulse ox monitoring for the Apple Watch. This would allow users to measure oxygen levels in their blood and will notify them if their blood oxygen-content drops dangerously low. This feature will join the list of Apple’s life saving health monitors and has the potential of helping many users. This shows Apple’s dedication on expanding the use of the Apple Watch making it even more versatile.

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