Replacement AirPod units sent by Apple are unusable due to an unreleased firmware in them

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airpods 2 apple

Some replacement AirPod units sent by Apple haven’t been working as it should for many users due to an unreleased firmware version in it. If you recently received a replacement AirPod from Apple, it may be running the unreleased “2D3” firmware, which is preventing you from using it with your other AirPod which runs the publicly released firmware

Source: Sheri Bourguignon, Twitter-@blue_marzipan

So you are unable to pair both your AirPods together, due to it having different firmwares. Only one can be paired & used at a time.

Apparently, Customers who received replacement AirPod units before March 25th 2020 have been facing this issue.

This issue has been discussed on the MacRumors Forum, iMore and Reddit.

According to a MacRumors reader, Sorscode,

“Update: Not a good one, but an update. I’m on my 4th replacement on the right Airpod now and still haven’t been able to get one with 2D3 on it. They have sent me both Left and Rights at the same time. All my lefts have been 2D3 and my rights have been all over the place. Escalating tonight to see if we can just stop the madness and get a refurbished set sent.”

According to a Reddit user,

“I’ve spent about 10 hours over the last week on the phone with various level 2 technicians, as well as some more hours troubleshooting.”

This reddit user discovered that there’s no way of solving this issue even if one takes help from Apple Support.

Let’s hope that Apple fixes this issue soon by releasing a Firmware update to these AirPods so that firmware version of both the AirPods are same and the user can use both the AirPods together.

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