Apple Pay outage causes users to not be able to pay their Apple Card bill

ios12 4 iphone xs get started apple card 3
ios12 4 iphone xs get started apple card 3

Saturday morning is not off to a good start for Apple, as there is currently an outage with Apple Pay, according to Apple’s System Status page.

The outage is making it so that some users may not be able to pay their Apple Card bill, lock/unlock their physical card, request a new or replacement physical card, or request a new card number.

It also looks like the issue has been going on for over a couple of hours now. The website says the outage has been going on since 7:45 a.m. and describes it like this:

Screen Shot 2020-04-25 at 10.31.51 AM

This is what it looks like when some users (myself) try to pay their Apple Card bill:


We will update this story once Apple has fixed the issue. In the meantime, you can see our review of Apple Card here.

UPDATE (04/25/2020): Apple has fixed the issue and users of Apple Card should be able to pay their bills in the Wallet app.

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