Apple Updates COVID-19 App

COVID 19 screening tool 500px
COVID 19 screening tool 500px

Today, Apple updated it’s COVID-19 screening app, which was created to help people stay informed and steps to limit the spread of the virus.

The new version of the app includes updated symptoms and recommended actions following the CDC guidelines. The CDC added several new symptoms that can be signs of coronavirus, including chills, shaking with chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat and loss of smell or taste. As well as CDC updating information, Apple did so too and updated their COVID-19 app. It now includes tips for wearing a cloth mask to protect yourself and others. The mask section provides information on how to create a mask, how to wear and and where to wear it and how to sanitise it. Alongside the app update Apple also updated their website.

Apple developed the app and website in partnership with the CDC, White House Coronavirus Task Force ad FEMA.

The screening tool is available to anyone who is 18 years or older in the United States.

To keep updated with COVID-19 visit CDC

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