Opinion: Tech decor you should get for your home


It’s one thing to own a lot of tech, whether that be Apple products or another company’s devices. It’s another thing to dress up your home with tech to make it even homier.

Here are some cool tech-related decor items you can put in your home to show off your nerdy tech side:

  • Steve Jobs posters: To some, there is nothing better than getting inspired by Apple co-founder and former CEO Steve Jobs. Whether it’s a quote or movie poster, you cannot go wrong with this one.

  • Ollie the Twitterrific bird: For those who do not know, Ollie is the mascot for the third-party Twitter app Twitterrific. The app has been out for several years now and is one of the top alternatives to the official Twitter app. Years ago, the company released figures that people could buy that showcased a 3D version of Ollie. While they may be hard to find now, they can be found on sites like eBay and Amazon. If anything, it’s a cool knick-knack.

  • HomePod: Whether this is for being the king of the home for a house party or you use them as speakers for a device like the Apple TV, it doesn’t hurt to have one of these shown off (and playing some good music too).

  • Old Apple computers: I personally have a couple of old Macs right on my entertainment center in my apartment. It’s a lot different compared to what others have for their homes. Start with a 1980s Macintosh or a late 1990s iMac, as they are quite iconic in their designs.
My entertainment center with a 1998 iMac and 1980’s Macintosh
  • A digital picture frame: This might sound like a simple one, but they are still unique since not a lot of people have or use them, surprisingly. For some reason, people will only buy a single picture frame for one picture, where you can now buy a digital picture frame and put a plethora of photos on it.


  • Throwboy pillows: Nothing can send your nerd flag more than having a couple of Throwboy pillows on hand. The pillows can be of items such as the Mac’s Finder icon, old Apple devices, the YouTube Subscribe icon or the Tumblr Reblog icon.
Some of the Apple device pillows one can get from Throwboy

What else do you think we could add to our list? Did we miss anything big? Let us know on Twitter at @appleosophy.

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