First Impressions: macOS Big Sur

macOS Big Sur
macOS Big Sur

I think I can speak for everyone that this was one macOS update we were all excited to get and that it was annoying how Apple made us wait so long on release day to get it. However, once you have it downloaded and installed on your Mac, it makes it feel like you worked for it…in a way.

With that said, there are some nice updates the new macOS brings that I want to address here.

The first update that I want to talk about is the addition of the iOS 14-like widgets.

On my MacBook Pro, I have installed the Fantastical 2 and Day One Journal widgets. I am hoping that the Day One widget will encourage me to write more in my journals, as that is something I struggle with some days.

I have also put the official Apple Weather app widget, but I hope to add the CARROT Weather Mac app widget once it is actually created it.

The widgets are nice and add to the experience of macOS Big Sur, and bring the worlds of iOS, iPadOS and macOS together.

Speaking of which, the dock now looks a lot like what you would see on the iPad. This does sort of combat the argument of making a touchscreen Mac, making the iPad an extension of the Mac. Having it look very similar to it, in terms of the OS look, just makes it a lot better and make it so one may not have as many questions.

The new look of the dock and app icons in macOS Big Sur

Control Center is another aspect of the OS that changes the Mac look and experience forever. Getting easy access to your screen brightness, Bluetooth, WiFi and sound all in one place is great. It makes macOS even more simplistic.

I also like the new app icons. It changes it up just enough to keep macOS interesting. For now, it makes it so I can’t wait to see what developers and companies do to change the icons of their apps. What new look will they come up with next?

Wallpapers, whether they are Apple’s or ones from the internet, seem to stand out more in Big Sur. I have seen this first hand with a Christmas wallpaper I currently have on my MacBook Pro.

The only downside to macOS Big Sur from what I have experienced in it is the battery life is not as good. I have seen this before in iOS and iPadOS updates over the years, so I am hoping Apple can fix the battery issues with software patches.

So far, macOS Big Sur, despite the rough start getting it downloaded and installed, I believe is on track to be another great Apple operating system. We’re nearing the end of the year and the future of it will be determined by the creativity and ingenuity of its developers that make the Mac great.

What are your thoughts on macOS Big Sur? Let us know on Twitter at @appleosophy.

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