Apps you can buy as gifts this holiday season

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Physical gifts are very popular to give for every holiday during the season. But what about apps?

Buying apps is a great way to not only get something for that special person, but also support the developers who make the app. It’s a win-win-win scenario.

Here are the following apps we recommend giving this holiday season:

  • Tweetbot: Whether you buy the version for the iPhone, iPad or Mac, this is one of the best third-party Twitter apps in the App Store that shows your timeline in proper chronological order. Tweetbot costs $4.99 for the iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad, and $9.99 for its Mac version.


  • Apollo for Reddit: If you’re like me and you’re a social media addict, but also a fan of social media and apps with good design, that is exactly what Apollo will provide. On top of that, it was developed by a former Apple employee. The app is free in the App Store and has premium in-app purchases for features like live notifications, new themes, app icons and more. It costs $9.99 a year and $29.99 for a lifetime subscription, and is available on the iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad.


  • Grammarly Premium: For students, writers or people who just need writing advice for work emails and documents, this is a great service for that. The service is available to use on the Mac through its Safari extension (once the user is logged in) or on a Windows computer through extensions on either Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox. The service can also be used in Microsoft Word too. Click here to see the plans and how it the service costs.


  • Final Cut Pro: Those looking to go above and beyond and have a potential filmmaker and visual storyteller in the making, this could be the piece of software that makes those stories a reality. It costs $299 in the Mac App Store.


  • Things 3: This is an excellent app for those who want to be and stay productive. The app enables those to create lists of tasks they have to get done. It’s that simple and it costs $9.99 in the App Store for the iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch and $49.99 on the Mac.


  • Pastebot: All the app does is save everything that one copies on their Mac. It costs $12.99 in the Mac App Store. Also, on a personal note, this is an app that saved my butt a lot in college and as a writer as a whole.


Should we have included any other apps to this list? What apps are you hoping to get this holiday season? Let us know on Twitter at @appleosophy.

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