Opinion: How I gave an app as a stocking stuffer for Christmas this year

best of 2020 physical award 12022020
best of 2020 physical award 12022020

With the way how the coronavirus pandemic has made it harder for us to shop in stores, I found a hack this year to get a great stocking stuffer and make the person happy. 

For a stocking stuffer for my mom’s new Apple Watch SE that I also got for her this year, I bought her Dark Sky Weather for her iPhone and said new Apple Watch. 

Apple Watch SE 2

While I am more of a fan of CARROT Weather, Dark Sky is an excellent alternative and does not come with the yearly subscription like CARROT. 

What I wanted this app to do was simply give my mom accurate weather forecasts and notifications about the forecast and conditions in her area. 

IMG 8138

Another nice thing about the gift is that it completely fit the stocking stuffer price of less than $5. That’s not me being a cheapskate, but me being a good consumer and getting a great product and service at an excellent price. 

Plus, the app was acquired by Apple just this year. It is unknown at this time what Apple will do with it, but it is good that, for now, the app will be in good hands. 

The truth is it was a great, simple gift and is an idea I will toward in the future holidays and birthdays. Never underestimate the power of giving someone a premium app. 

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