Mexico 7-Eleven begins promoting Apple Pay usage

7 Eleven Mexico
7 Eleven Mexico

With the launch of Apple Pay in Mexico on Tuesday, February 23, it appears as though some businesses are already trying to get consumers to use it.

A tweet posted by the Mexico 7-Eleven Twitter account prompts users to begin using Apple Pay at its convenience stores.

The tweet translated in English says this:

“The easiest way to pay on 7-Eleven.Mobile phoneWristwatch
Buying with Apple Pay from your iPhone or Apple Watch is fast, practical and avoid, if possible, touching buttons or exchanging money. Find out more at”

This is the first of what could be many businesses across Mexico to begin promoting its consumers to start using Apple Pay on their iPhones and Apple Watches.

7-Eleven began accepting Apple Pay in the United States back in 2018.

Other businesses in Mexico that have begun to accept Apple Pay are Chili’s, Domino’s, The Cheesecake Factory, Italianni’s, MacStore, Petco, P.F. Chang’s and GRUP XCARET. 

It can be used in apps such as Fancy, Hotel Tonight and Rappi. 

What do you think of 7-Eleven in Mexico promoting its customers to start using Apple Pay on launch day in the country? Let us know on Twitter at @appleosophy.

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