Tweetbot 6 adds support for Behaviors, new themes and other features

Tweetbot 6 for Twitter iOS update
Tweetbot 6 for Twitter iOS update

It has been a big year for Tweetbot by its developers, Tapbots.

This year alone, the app has added features like Picture-In-Picture, iOS 14 widget support and added support for Siri Shortcuts and Handoff.

Today, the app released Version 6.3 in the App Store which adds new features like Behaviors that can change the look and feel of the app for its users.

Here are the following updates and improvements that were made to the app today:

– Enable/Disable Tap to Top. By default, tapping the status bar will bring you to the top of your timeline. If this happens by accident and bugs you, you can now turn this feature off.

– Enable/Disable Drag & Drop Tweets. If you always accidentally invoke the drag and drop feature and wish there was a way to turn that off, now you can!

– Enable/Disable Swipe to Switch Themes. Swiping up or down with two fingers normally switches to the next or previous theme. If this happens by accident far too often you can now turn this feature off.

– Enable the ability to Customize All Tabs. For years many of you have asked for the ability to customize all the tab buttons in Tweetbot. Well, finally you can now turn this option on and set your tab menubar exactly how you wish.

– Before, the short right swipe on a tweet gesture was configurable between liking or retweeting. Now you can also customize this gesture to open link to tweet, copy link to tweet, copy tweet text, add to reading list, or be disabled completely.

In addition to the new Behaviors section of the settings, we also tossed in these little bonuses:

– Added Extra iPad Keyboard Shortcuts

– Added a new “DJ” App Icon

– Added a new “Harvest” Light Theme

Tweetbot 6 did also switch to a subscription model this year, which costs $0.99 a month or $5.99 a year. The app is available on the iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad, and there is a separate Tweetbot app in the Mac App Store that costs $9.99.

What are your thoughts on Tweetbot’s update today? Comment below or let us know on Twitter at @appleosophy.

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