Report: Bank de Volksbank could get Apple Pay support soon

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In a recent post from iCulture on the Dutch bank Bank de Volksbank, apparently, Apple Pay support is on the way.

Rabobank and ING Bank over in the Netherlands currently already have support for Apple Pay over there.

A spokesperson for Bank de Volksbank said there is a plan in place to add support for Apple Pay for its customers.

“We’ve (indeed) taken the time to consider whether or not we’re going to run Apple Pay,” the spokesperson said. “Ultimately, it has now been decided that “Apple Pay will be made possible for the customers of SNS, ASN Bank and RegioBank.” “After years of uncertainty, there is now finally the green light. It is still unclear when Apple Pay will arrive at de Volksbank…We can’t share anything about timing right now.”

At this time, SNS, ASN Bank and RegioBank do not have Apple Pay support in the Apple Wallet app, which is a requirement from Apple in order for a financial institution to begin accepting and supporting Apple Pay.

What are your thoughts on Bank de Volksbank potentially getting Apple Pay support soon? Comment below or let us know on Twitter at @appleosophy.

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