Opinion: Businesses I’d like to see accept Apple Pay in 2022

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macos mojave ios12 iphone x safari applepay

During the past couple of years, we have seen much more acceptance of Apple Pay in stores and businesses across the U.S., but for 2022, we have higher expectations.

Apple Pay provides the convenience and security for customers to simply tap their iPhone or Apple Watch in a store or verify with Touch ID or Face ID on the iPhone, iPad or Mac online.

With that said, here are the businesses that we are wanting to begin accepting Apple Pay in 2022:

  • Walmart: This is a big one just because it is one of the largest retailers in America and has been a holdout for so long. Let’s also factor in that after I have personally used its Walmart Pay payment method, it’s not that convenient and I don’t trust it.


  • Barnes & Noble (website): The company already accepts it in its stores, and if ThriftBooks accepts it on its website, then so should B&N.


  • Amazon: It’s America’s largest online retailer and needs to accept Apple Pay. It would make me use it a lot more because, compared to most consumers, I only make an Amazon purchase maybe once a year. I would rather spend my money in-store and online with businesses that accept Apple Pay.


  • Home Depot: Home Depot does have the tech at the register to accept Apple Pay, so there is no issue there. Where it would help the company is the fact that it could be the only company in that line of home improvement that accepts it. At this time, its largest competitor Lowe’s does not accept it.

Of course, if any of these companies would be interested in becoming a 3% Daily Cash merchant for Apple Card, that sounds great as well.

What are your thoughts on our list? What businesses do you think should accept Apple Pay next? Comment below or let us know on Twitter at @appleosophy.

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