Twitter Acquires Slack Rival Quill

Twitter Acquires Slack Rival Quill
Twitter has acquired Slack Rival Quill, Twitter DMs to improve | Quill

Twitter has acquired the business chatting platform Quill, a rival of Slack. The service will shut down in three days. Twitter will be capable to implement many of Quill’s features with the acquisition.

“We’re bringing their experience and creativity to Twitter as we work to make messaging tools like DMs a more useful & expressive way people can have conversations on the service,” said Nick Caldwell, General Manager for Core Tech at Twitter in a statement released on Tuesday. Caldwell notes that Twitter is welcoming the Quill team to the company:

Quill was launched back in February as a rival and alternative to the much more popular Slack platform. The service had features such as Activity Feed and Social Channels, with the latter splitting conversations without having to make threads.

Following this acquisition, we can expect Twitter’s DMs to improve significantly due to the numerous chatting features from Quill. The platform will shut down on December 11th at 1 pm PST. Users will be able to export their data before the deadline, or it will be deleted permanently. Quill has provided a tutorial for doing so:

How do I export my team’s messages?

  1. Go to your Settings in Quill →
  2. Click the team you want to export
  3. Under the Export Team heading, press Start Export
  4. Export will have started. After a few minutes, you will receive an email with the link to the .zip file containing your export.
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