Apple Pay now supported in South Korea

It has been quite the road to the day coming, but South Korea now has support for Apple Pay. This has been confirmed by Apple having a dedicated page for it.

Now users can now make contactless payments from their iPhone or Apple Watch in businesses that accept Apple Pay.

This has been in the works since 2017. However, at the time, Apple was not able to register as “an electronic financial business operator,” according to MacRumors. The source also states that officials in South Korea had to look into making sure Apple Pay and the tech behind it did not regular any local regulations. Apple has been approved by local regulators last month.

Hyundai card owners are the only ones who have support for Apple Pay right now.

There are some businesses in South Korea that are already accepting Apple Pay that include McDonald’s, Krispy Kreme, Shake Shack, IKEA, 7-Eleven, and others.


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