New app available enables Apple Vision Pro users to stream Netflix and Prime Video

When the Apple Vision Pro first launched, one of cool features about it is for users to stream their favorite TV shows and movies right from the device.

However, when it released to the public, there was no official app for either Netflix or Prime Video, which are two dominant streaming services.

A newly released app called “Supercut” made by 19-year old Australian developer Christian Privitelli has been made and released to the public that will essentially allow for users to sign into their Netflix and/or Prime Video accounts to stream content from them without having to open Safari or another browser and view content that way.

The developer of the app has said on X (formerly Twitter) “there are more services to come soon on Vision Pro” too.

By using the app, it enables support for Dolby Atmos sound too.

Supercut costs just $4.99 in the App Store.

Are you an Apple Vision Pro user and plan on using this app? Comment below or let us know on X at @appleosophy.

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