iOS App Review: Pokémon Go

A little over three weeks ago, Niantic Developers and The Pokémon Company released the latest Augmented Reality (AR) Game for iOS and Android; Pokémon Go. As nostalgic as this game is, you of course want to be the very best like no one ever was, so you dive right in; Walk all over from town to town to catch just one more Pidgey to evolve it and even to hatch all those Eggs you’ve collected at Pokestops all to achieve one goal… to be a Pokémon Master Trainer.
This app is great, but let’s get down into our actual review. Here at TeamApple News, we give this app a 4/5 Star Rating. There is a lot of draw backs to having over 58 Million Downloads the first day. This comes in the form of server issues, Pokémon that just don’t show up, and
Sorry about that last sentence, our game disconnected and logged us out. Pokémon Go v1.0.3 is the latest version available on the iOS App Store and Google Play store and we have in fact seen a plethora of bug fixes thus far. Gym Battles now are less riddled with lag, the Augmented Reality feature now works on iOS 10 beta as of Seed 3, and you don’t have to sign back in every time the server goes down.
But what keeps us from giving the game that final star? Pidgeys, Weedles, and Rattata Galore. There is just too little variety as of now. Players like myself are already quite far into the level system and have grown tired of that CP10 Weedle breaking out of 4 Pokeballs. I’d love to “Catch Em All”, but unfortunately my friends have some species that I am unable to find for the life of me and until trading is added, I will just remain the jealous person I am. And lastly, battles; sure, gyms are a great way of earning coins that I’d have to spend money on otherwise, however how can I be superior to my friends and other trainers if I cannot battle them outside of a gym…. Niantic says this is coming soon. Until then we will keep our fingers crossed.
Do you play Pokémon Go? If so, we love to hear about your strongest or most prized Pokémon you’ve caught so far, and finish your comment with #YourTeam.
Thanks for reading. Until next time, this is Austin Dean

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