Remembering Steve Jobs’s Death Five Years Later

On this day five years ago, Apple co-founder Steve Jobs died after a long battle with pancreatic cancer. Steve’s death is one of those “Where were you when”¦” kind of questions. He changed the way how personal computing looked and felt, and also changed the way we live our daily lives with devices like the iMac, iPod, iPhone, and iPad.

I found out about Steve Jobs’s death when flipping through channels on my TV. When I changed the channel to CNBC, I came across the unfortunate headline. Steve Jobs was officially gone. Although I had been monitoring Twitter before making it to CNBC, I was not aware of his death. I must have gotten to the “party” early, even though I somewhat tuned-in late to the TV broadcast. I remember composing a tweet about Steve Jobs and using the “#RIPSteveJobs” hashtag that was trending at the time. Eventually, Twitter crashed, which although sounded like an inconvenience at the time, but as I look back at it today, how fitting is that? In my eyes, God could not have written a better script in regards to the night of Steve’s death.

One of my favorite things about Steve Jobs (other than creating my favorite company ever) is that he dropped out of college, not because he wasn’t smart enough to do the work, but because he didn’t like taking the “pointless” general education classes. In addition to that, I like the idea of him going to the classes he enjoyed more. It’s because of that attitude that made him “the original rebel.”

Even though Apple is a lot different of a company today, I still believe that Steve Jobs is at the core of the company. They are still the empire of product design and are dominating in revenue and profit numbers. Despite the fact that we have seen Apple fall in a few areas, the company is still the masters of innovation, such as the 2013 Mac Pro and Apple Watch.

Overall, I think I can speak for every Apple fan out there by saying that we all still miss Steve Jobs. There is always that wonder or “what if” when thinking about if he were still alive and what Apple would be like today. But I think we can all believe that he is sitting up above his iCloud, watching over us.

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