Opinion: What I Would Do with $100 of iTunes Credit

iTunes has been out since 2001, and with that it has been the center of a digital music revolution, along with users being able to buy/rent movies, buy TV episodes, and purchase/download apps from the App Store. One of the most popular things to get for a gift for Christmas is iTunes cards. They allow us to buy many things from iTunes and the App Store that heavily enrich our lives, and in some cases, make our lives better. 

Here is what I would do if I had $100 worth of iTunes credit to spend.

  • Pastebot: This is an app that allows users to copy text, but have it saved. If you forget what copied earlier or copied something else, this app catches everything you have copied, saves it, and then lets you use it later, if necessary. It currently runs for $9.99 in the Mac App Store. Currently, the app is only available on the Mac.
  • MarsEdit: One of the premium apps for writers and bloggers out there. This app allows for users to simply write and edit posts for their website/blog. Although the app has a much older design look to it (according to the screenshots in the Mac App Store), it is still considered one of the best apps for writers and bloggers, and it is updated frequently. MarsEdit runs for $39.99 in the Mac App Store.
  • Studio 60 On The Sunset Strip (Season One): For many reasons, this is an odd choice to pick from the hundreds upon thousands of other TV shows that iTunes has. My primary reason for choosing this one is simply because I am a huge Aaron Sorkin fan, and this is one of his TV shows. I won’t give the plot away just so that I don’t get accused of spoiling it for others, but I will say that it is about Saturday Night Live writers. iTunes currently has it priced at $24.99 for the first (and only) season.
  • Super Mario Run: One of the already most-downloaded games of the year for iOS devices has $9.99 worth of in-app purchases. Even though I would not purchase it with my own money, I would purchase it with gift card money!
  • Beware the Gonzo: This is a film that I have loved for a really long time, not just because it’s one the first films that Ezra Miller did, but that it is about writing and journalism. Yes, it’s journalism for an unofficial school newspaper/magazine, but that makes it even better. The movie is priced at $9.99 on iTunes.
  • Michael Buble’s Christmas Bonus Tracks: I am a huge fan of Michael Buble and his Christmas music. Even though I am an Apple Music subscriber, I would still buy these songs just to make sure that he gets credit for it money wise. The bonus tracks add up to be $5.16 on iTunes ($1.29 each).

If you add all of this up (with no tax), you’ll find that it does technically equal $100.11, so I technically did go over by 11 cents. However, I think a lot of Apple users tend to have some sort of extra cents left over from previous iTunes gift cards so that the extra money does not matter for it being so little.

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