Mac App Review: Pastebot for Mac

From the makers of the popular Twitter client, Tapbots have created a brand new way to save what you copy and paste. Their newest app is Pastebot, which basically saves everything that users copy. 

In my time with this app, it’s great for copying and pasting, as mentioned earlier. If you’re someone who does a lot of work in copying internet sources or notes for a class, this is a great way to do that. Once you copy something (right-clicking and clicking “Copy” or by typing Command + C on the Mac keyboard) it goes directly into the app; it’s that simple.

I used it most when writing for some of my college classes where I have to write a lot of documents and do a lot of editing within those documents. All I need to do is open the app (which is always available on the Mac Toolbar). From there, all you have to do is click on the text you copied earlier and then paste it into your document (or whatever task you are doing at the moment). This can be done by doing a right-click and then clicking “Paste” or simply typing Command + V on your keyboard.

This app is great for students and users that do a lot of copying and pasting. It is definitely a basic app but can also save you when in a pickle. I’m giving Pastebot a 4/4 star rating. It’s a simple app, but that’s the point of it. It’s simple and gets the job done and then some.

Rating: 4/4

Image credit: Tapbots

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