New Apple Best Buy College Student Deals

This morning, Best Buy released their new deals exclusive for college students. To get these deals, students must go to Best Buy’s page for the student deals and type in their student email address (has to end in .edu). 

There are not many deals but still a couple that needs to be reported on. The two deals are the following.

  • $50 off a MacBook.
    • This includes the 12-inch MacBook, MacBook Air, and MacBook Pro
  • Get Microsoft Office Home & Student for $99.99
    • With a qualifying purchase
    • This includes a purchase of a new Mac
    • The regular price for buying Office with a computer is $120, so this is a savings of another $30

Again, like I said, not too many deals going on right now from Best Buy when it comes to college deals, but these are two necessities that every student needs, along with the fact that either one can make a good Christmas gift or stocking stuffer.

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