(EXPIRED) Apple Deals in Best Buy’s Apple Shopping Event

Apple currently has a shopping event going on at Best Buy retail stores and on their website.

There are many deals that Best Buy is offering for the shopping event and with that come many ways how you can save money on Apple products.

Apple Deals:

  • Save up to $200 on select versions of the MacBook Pro
    • Also in the weekly ad this week
  • Save up to $200 on the iPhone X, iPhone 8, and iPhone 8 Plus for Sprint customers
  • Save up to $200 on the iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus for Sprint customers
  • Save $200 on the latest version of the 27-inch iMac
  • Save $200 on the latest version of the 21-inch iMac
  • Save $20 on the Apple TV 32GB with the SteelSeries Nimbus Wireless Controller
  • Save $30 on the Apple TV 4K 32GB with the SteelSeries Nimbus Wireless Controller
  • Save $20 on the Apple TV 4K 64GB with the SteelSeries Nimbus Wireless Controller
  • Save $20 on Microsoft Office
    • Includes Microsoft Word, PowerPoint and Excel

It has not been said how long these deals will last but we will update this article and our Twitter account (@teamappletoys) when the sale and promotion ends. Also, don’t forget that Best Buy does accept Apple Pay both in their stores and in their iOS app, so if you want to pay that way, you can do so.

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