Review: Product Red iPhone 8 Plus

I remember when the original iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus were announced in September of last year and how disappointed I was that the design of the iPhone 7 and iPhone 8 had virtually hardly any design changes. The only exterior changes were on the rear-side.

I never thought I would own the iPhone 8 Plus because of that design and my reaction to it. However, due to a late-birthday gift and a beautiful-looking new iPhone design, I made it happen. Also, the fact that my iPhone 6’s battery was horrible played the biggest factor in this decision too.

When it comes to the design of this iPhone 8 Plus, the crimson red for the Product Red version of this iPhone is perfect. It’s not too light or too dark. Perfection.

But the biggest concern of mine after getting this iPhone performance-wise was going to be the battery life. I am proud to say that the battery life on this thing is incredible. When browsing my apps in the morning like Twitter, Facebook and Instagram, my iPhone 6 would go all the way down to under 70 percent most of the time, which became very annoying very quick. With the iPhone 8 Plus, I don’t even go under 100 percent most of the time.

Switching from a 4.7-inch screen to a 5.5-inch screen could also be seen as a huge challenge. Surprisingly for me, this was not a challenge at all. Maybe it’s because I have used my friend’s iPhone 7 Plus a lot over the past few months, but at the end of the day, it was a seamless transition.

Another item that I love about the screen is that I can watch TV shows on my iPhone now! Technically I could have done that on my old iPhone 6 but doing it on the iPhone 8 Plus is a lot better. It’ll come in handy this fall when I’m at college again and want to watch TV in bed.

The camera is pretty spectacular on this, whether you are shooting from far away or up-close. It makes me want to pay attention more to things like photography, not just for taking photos but to actually care about what you are shooting. Here are a couple of shots I took:

The first one is outdoors at a cloudy sky before a storm came in and the second is the second camera that shot up-close of a 12-pack of Mountain Dew Ice.



Overall, I’m giving the Product Red iPhone 8 Plus 4/4 stars. It is the best iPhone that I have ever owned and I am so thankful that I have it in my life now after talking about getting it for so long. I cannot wait to see what I will be able to do with it over the next couple of years until I upgrade again.

Rating: 4/4 stars

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