Apple Deals in Best Buy Student Deals

Right now is the time to buy if you are a college student looking to score some great deals on Apple products in Best Buy’s latest ad for college students. 

A student must have a valid college student email (.edu) in order to sign up for and get these deals from Best Buy. They will not and cannot accept it if you only have your student ID or by just saying that you’re a college student.

Apple Deals:

  • Save $150 on select MacBook models.
    • Includes the 12-inch MacBook, MacBook Air and MacBook Pro.
  • Save $50 on select versions of the iMac.
  • Save $50 on select models of the iPad Pro.
  • Save 15 percent on Apple leather cases for the iPhone.


  • Save $30 on Microsoft Office software with the purchase of a Mac, iPad, PC or any other computer/table of $150 or more.
  • Save $15 on the Insignia USB-C to HDMI multiport adapter.
    • Could come in handy for 12-inch MacBook and new MacBook Pro users.
  • Get 50 percent off on select Platinum backpacks and laptop bags.

These deals are all available at Best Buy retail stores and online. Be sure to remember that student email in order to get the deals. Best Buy does also accept Apple Pay in their stores and in their iOS app too.

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