Apple Has Hired Police to Guard Certain Apple Stores

apple store queens center mall
apple store queens center mall

Recently there has been a string of robberies that have targeted Apple stores in California. These robberies seem to have come from an organized crime ring. The robbers wore hoodies and ran into Apple stores and quickly grabbed whatever they could and then ran out before anyone could even attempt to stop them.

Apple has decided to try and put an end to this by hiring police to stay at the stores to deter these robberies from taking place again. So far there have been no further robbery attempts, so it seems like Apple’s plan is working.

Over the summer there were at least 21 robberies that took place in California from this group and some stores were even robbed multiple times. It is estimated that the value of the products stolen would be very high, but Apple is able to deactivate their devices remotely, so they could mostly only be used for parts.

Hopefully, this move from Apple stops any more robberies from occurring at their stores in the future.

Below is a video of one of the robberies that took place:

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