HyVee to Soon Be Accepting Apple Pay

According to their Twitter account, HyVee is currently working on bringing Apple Pay to their retail grocery stores. HyVee is a chain of grocery stores in the midwest, with stores being in Iowa, Nebraska, Minnesota, South Dakota and Missouri, just to name a few. 

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HyVee does not have a timetable for this right now and are simply saying that they will have it “in the coming months.” Whether this is during the holiday season of 2018 are something to come in early-2019 is unknown, at the moment.

Currently, the only way to use Apple Pay through HyVee is to buy your groceries through the Instacart app and then pay with Apple Pay through that. However, the Instacart option is not available in every location.


HyVee is one of the biggest and most popular grocery store chains in the entire midwest, and with Fareway, one of their competitors, having it, it makes complete sense for HyVee to finally flip the switch and get Apple Pay for themselves.

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