Shopko 2018 Black Friday Apple Deals

Shopko is not one of the biggest or most popular retailers to head to on Black Friday. However, the company and their stores are still offering some good deals to their customers on Black Friday. 

When it comes to Apple products on sale at their stores, they are usually really hard to find. We’re talking like needle in a haystack hard. But this year, the company is offering deals on some products.

Please be sure to know that these products mentioned are not the newest Apple products, but older Apple products. These products are refurbished and are not the newest ones on the market.

Apple Deals:

  • Save $70 on the iPad Mini (Doorbuster)
    • On sale for $119
    • In-store only
  • Save $70 on the iPad Air (Doorbuster)
    • On sales for $179.99
    • In-store only

These sales are available in both Shopko and Shopko Hometown retail stores. Shopko does price-match other competitors in their stores and does accept Apple Pay in their stores too.


Shopko’s sale begins on November 22nd, Thanksgiving Day, at 2PM. and will go until Friday until 2 PM. It’s an unusual strategy and timeline for Black Friday and in retail today, but again, Shopko is not going to be everyone’s big place to go to on Black Friday, hence why they are not putting as much effort or as many sales in their stores for the big shopping event.


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