Appleosophy Weekly Episode 2: Leaks in iOS 12.2 Beta, Apple Expands iPhone XR Trade-In Program, and iPod Touch talk


This week, Holden Satterwhite the CEO and Founder of Appleosophy, talks with Chris Grainger who is the COO of Appleosophy, and part of the Podcast team for Appleosophy. We go into talking about iOS 12.2 Beta 1, which Apple released this week and the leaks that we have discovered, we also talk about what is coming next for Apple and will Apple have a March 2019 Press Event, and more!

Appleosophy Weekly, is the podcast that breaks down the week’s Apple News in a digestible way. Hosted by Appleosophy’s Editorial Team and Podcasts Team, who have in-depth knowledge on Apple and Apple services, including special guests.

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Photo by Engadget

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