Apple Pay Now Accepted at Target Stores

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It has now been confirmed to us that Apple Pay is now being accepted in Target retail stores. This is something that both Target and Apple promised for 2019 and it looks as though it is now available.

Previously, only their iOS app accepted it, which could be used for both online orders and items to be picked up in their stores once you paid through the app. However, now you can pay with your iPhone or Apple Watch in their retail stores.

Although Target has not officially given a specific launch date, we have obtained a photo from a Twitter user that shows that they do indeed accept Apple Pay now.


In the photo, you can see the green dots across the top of the screen where it says “Swipe Card Now.” This indicates that the near field communication (NFC) is turned on, which will allow for devices like the iPhone and Apple Watch to read, take and accept your payment.

Let us know in the comments below or from our Twitter account (@appleosophy) on whether or not Target is working in your local Target store.

Special thanks to @Yartctls34 on Twitter for sending us this picture of a card reader at their Target store.


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