Opinion: We Need More Apple Pay for Mac Sites


Apple Pay is a service that I recommend a lot both online and in person. It is the most secure mobile payment option out there, if not the most secure way of using credit and debit cards.

In 2016, Apple put Apple Pay on the Mac. It was supposed to make the service even more convenient by enabling users to make purchases on their Mac, verify on their iPhones and then put the purchase in motion.

That was almost three years ago and we still do not have enough of it on the web.

Put it this way, since the service has been around, I can count on one finger how many times I have seen a website that has Apple Pay capabilities on it.

This is a problem for places like Best Buy and Target that accepted Apple Pay in their app but do not accept it on their websites.

In fact, if they and other websites did accept Apple Pay on their websites, I’d likely shop through them more. Right now, I have to either shop on a company’s app or go to their store. With my new MacBook Pro, I’d like to get it all done from the Mac.

Apple Pay has become more mainstream over the years and if companies are going to implement it in their stores and apps, then they need to make it available on the Mac too.

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