Applesophy Streaming Picks (June 14-20)

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Once again, just like last week, since most of the fall and spring TV shows are over for the year and very few summer TV shows, the shows that we will recommend you watch are ones that come from streaming services since those are dominating the TV market right now.


  • Drake and Josh: It would be very hard to find a 90’s or 2000’s kid who does not love Drake and Josh. The good news is that you can find all of the seasons of the series on Hulu!


  • Jessica Jones: All 13 episodes of the third and final season of Jessica Jones were just released yesterday and is a great excuse to binge-watch this weekend. Season three and all of the other seasons of the show can be found on Netflix.


  • Classic Doctor Who: With the new channel being put on Pluto TV earlier this week, there is no reason to not be watching Classic Doctor Who right now. Since it is a channel, it will just play episodes in a particular order on its Pluto TV channel. However, you can watch all 26 seasons of Classic Doctor Who by which season or Doctor you want to watch on the Britbox streaming service.



  • 1996 Doctor Who Movie: This is a bit of an odd duck for us to recommend since there is no official way of streaming this film. Not even Prime Video has it, which does have a strict partnership with the BBC and the other seasons of (new) Doctor Who (2005-Present). Still, you may be able to find it on YouTube. Your best bet would be to either watch it on YouTube (or another site like it) or buying the DVD through a place like Barnes and Noble, a company that carriers multiple seasons and incarnations of the Doctor. As for the film itself, it stars Paul McGann as the 8th Doctor, with an appearance from the 7th Doctor, Sylvester McCoy, for his regeneration shot.


  • Galaxy Quest: In the honor of Tim Allen’s birthday that just happened this past week, we are going to recommend that you watch this movie, as it is a cult classic sci-fi movie too. Right now, the only way to stream it through a streaming service is through Fubo TV or by renting it through iTunes, which would cost you $3.99.


  • Toy Story 1-3: It is the week before Toy Story 4 is released, so, sort of sticking with the Tim Allen theme here, we recommend you watch the entire Toy Story trilogy before the new movie is released on Friday, June 21. Unfortunately, Both Toy Story 1 and 2 are unavailable to stream on streaming services, so your best option would be to rent them. To do this through iTunes, it will cost $2.99 to rent each movie. Toy Story 3 can be streamed through the Starz app (which can signed up for with a free trial on Apple TV Channels) and rented on iTunes for $2.99 too.



  • U.S. Open Golf Tournament (3rd Round): This event will air on FOX at 12 p.m. ET on FOX on Saturday, June 15. The final round will be aired on FOX on Sunday, June 16 at 2 p.m. ET.


  • Ottawa Redblacks vs Calgary Stampede (Canadian Football League/CFL): Who doesn’t love football in the summer Canadian style? This game will be broadcasted on Saturday, June 15, at 7 p.m. ET on ESPNEWS.


  • 250 (NASCAR XFINITY Series): I never thought I would see the day that Circuit City would return. Alas, that day has come and they are sponsoring a race this weekend in my homestate of Iowa at Iowa Speedway in Newton, Iowa. The race will be on Father’s Day, which is on Sunday, June 16, at 5:30 p.m. ET on FS1.
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