Apple releases tvOS 13 Beta 2 to developers

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apple tv channels 100792191 large

Apple today has released the second beta of tvOS 13 for developers to test. Just after tvOS 13 was announced at WWDC 2019 about two weeks ago.

Registered developers can download the tvOS 13 beta from Apple’s developer website.

tvOS 13 Beta 2 Release Notes:


The tvOS 13 SDK provides support for developing tvOS apps for Apple TV devices running tvOS 13. The SDK comes bundled with Xcode 11 beta available from Beta Software Downloads. For information on the compatibility requirements for Xcode 11, see Xcode 11 Beta 2 Release Notes.


Known Issues


New Features

  • AVFoundation now supports encoding video with alpha channels using HEVC. Videos encoded in this manner are broadly supported in AVFoundation APIs, and by Safari within web pages. Technical details of the format can be found in the Interoperability Profile specification. (8045917)


Known Issues

  • Restore image installation of tvOS 13 beta 2 for Apple TV HD is unavailable. (51780378)

    Workaround: Use the provided configuration profile for OTA updates.



  • Removed support for FTP and File URL schemes for Proxy Automatic Configuration (PAC). HTTP and HTTPS are the only supported URL schemes for PAC. This affects all PAC configurations including, but not limited to, configurations set using Settings, System Preferences, Profiles, and URLSession APIs such as connectionProxyDictionaryand CFNetworkExecuteProxyAutoConfigurationURL(_:_:_:_:). (28578280)
  • The URLSession and NSURLConnection APIs no longer support SPDY. Servers should use HTTP 2 or HTTP 1.1. (43391641)


Known Issues

  • Return types for View modifier methods include complex generic types. In a future release, these methods will return simpler types. (46140669)
  • Image instances don’t use resizing information configured in asset catalogs. Configure the size of an image using the resizable(capInsets:resizingMode:) modifier instead. (49114577)
  • A ScrollView doesn’t always size itself as expected for its content. (49204262)

    Workaround: Size the view that’s inside the ScrollView by applying the frame(width:height:alignment:) modifier to the inner view. (49204262)

Resolved Issues

  • Tabs in TabbedView instances appear as expected when you use them with a NavigationView. (49958869)
  • The possible values that you can select from a Picker can now be accessed from UI automation. (50679414)

System Video

Known Issues

  • Waking from sleep might take longer than expected, or result in an indefinite No Signal state. (50489811)

    Workaround: Restart Apple TV by pressing and holding the MENU and Home buttons on the Siri Remote until the status light blinks rapidly. Or, disconnect Apple TV from the power outlet, wait five seconds, then reconnect it.

Resolved Issues

  • Apple TV no longer enters sleep mode unexpectedly when transitioning between videos in a playlist. (51159114)


Known Issues


New Features

  • CAMetalLayer is now available in the Simulator. (45101325)
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