Redbox Once Again Hints at Apple Pay Acceptance

Redbox Apple Pay 3459236286 1588275378258
Redbox Apple Pay 3459236286 1588275378258

We have reported a lot in recent months that Redbox would soon be accepting Apple Pay. Well, even though we have reported it, they still have not begun accepting it in most locations.

Today, the company once again did tweet that they are going to be bringing Apple Pay to their kiosks “soon.”

I personally made a tweet today about the kiosk at a local grocery store and thinking that I saw someone using their smartphone in order to make the purchase of a movie from Redbox. I was wrong, which I noted in the tweet.

Minutes later, the company replied the following tweet below:

They really do emphasize the “soooooo” part of the tweet, so I am hoping that it truly is soon and that we will all quickly see Redbox supporting Apple Pay at their kiosks, as well as Google Pay, Samsung Pay and many others.

They have added it to a select few kiosks around the country, but it looks as though those could have been testing locations or part of a slow rollout. The photo below shows exactly what the card readers could look like once the rollout is complete.


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