Harbor Freight Tools Begins to Accept Apple Pay

IMG 4128
IMG 4128

We received a tip last night from a fellow Appleosophy reader that basically went on to explain that he has now come across his Harbor Freight Tools store, which is now accepting Apple Pay.

Apple Maps has updated some stores to show that they do accept Apple Pay, but there has been no statement or notice from the company about this.

Additionally, this must be pretty recent, as there was a review on Yelp of one of their Houston Texas stores that was published in May 2019 and says that at that location, the company was not accepting Apple Pay.

Harbor Freight Tools has over 1,000 stores across the United States, as you can see from the map below.


Has Harbor Freight Tools begun accepting Apple Pay at your store? Let us know in the comments below!

UPDATE (08/18/2019): Special thanks to one of our readers who sent this in to us in the comment section below that shows their Harbor Freight Tools store having signs of accepting Apple Pay.



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5 years ago

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Card reader updated to look like this.

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