Mac App Review: CARROT Weather for Mac (2019 macOS Catalina Version)

carrot weather mac macos catalina
carrot weather mac macos catalina

Over the past week, I have had the opportunity to review the new CARROT Weather app for the Mac that was released on the same day as the new macOS Catalina update.

What makes this app great in the opening gates is the fact that it looks incredibly similar to the iPad version that was also just recently updated within the last few weeks. As a user of both apps, this is good because it makes it so that nothing is unfamiliar to me. It is kept with a simplistic attitude that is great for an app like this.

The best feature in my opinion of this app is the new radar. In the previous version of the app, there was a tiny window for the radar. Now the radar is huge, making it easier to spot where you are and the weather that is approaching you.

It recently came in handy just this past week when I was tracking a snowstorm that was supposed to be hitting me and my hometown later that week. The photo you see below is not where I live, but where the storm was and where it was heading.

Screen Shot 2019-10-09 at 9.24.19 PM

Another thing that I do like is the notifications that the app gives you when the app is in use. This means that you get notifications for things like Thunderstorm Warnings, precipitation alerts and other weather-related alerts.

Screen Shot 2019-10-10 at 8.29.01 AM

Of course, in order to get those, you must be on one of CARROT Weather’s subscription tiers to get those types of alerts to your Mac and other devices that have the app.

The only thing that I can say that I do not like about the app is that the app opens whenever I open my MacBook Pro. Additionally, it opens if I get a notification from CARROT Weather app on my iPhone 8 Plus. It’s something for me that is annoying, especially when I am in the middle of trying to get work done.

Other than that though, it is a good app for those who are wanting to get the best weather app for the money. For this review, I’m giving it 3.5/4 stars. CARROT Weather for the Mac is available on the Mac App Store for $14.99. The CARROT Weather subscription tiers start at $2.99 a year and go as high as $29.99 a year.

Rating: 3.5/4 stars

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